Shelly and Dan
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Bibles Delivered

In June, The Cupcake Kids had a special cupcake sale where they also asked folks to bring bibles that we could take with us to Uganda for the children. The pictures below are of the children receiving those very bibles. They were so excited to get them and in particular to know they came from children on the other side of the world - sharing with them something so special. 

We didn't have enough for each and every child to own their very own copy but that is not necessarily a bad thing in this case. One thing Nathalie has been working with them on is taking care of the things they receive, so it was an extra opportunity for her to reiterate this so that they could share this unique gift with each other. She also encouraged the older children to read to the younger ones.

We also placed an order with The Bible Society of Uganda while we were there for an additional 50 children's bibles in Luganda so that they could also have copies in their own language. They were out of stock when we visited, which we took as a very positive sign.