Shelly and Dan
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Monday, September 27, 2010

We're Movin' Some Merchandise!

It turns out that it is rather expensive to conduct two international adoptions at the same time. By far, our greatest expense is the travel. Plane tickets to Africa are not cheap -- and we'll have the great privlege of buying two additional tickets for the flight home :-) Also, once we get a court date and travel to Uganda, we anticipate having to stay in the country for several weeks in order to complete the process.

So in an effort to off-set some of this expense, we're planning a big ol' yard sale. We've received donated items from over 10 families so pretty much if you need something, we've got it in our garage.

My crazy and hilarious husband sent an email to someone last night with more detail. He puts it better than I ever could:

When you think of the Owens Family, you no doubt automatically think of two words: "Quality Merchandise". That's right, and we will not be undersold. Our garage currently looks like 2 great ships loaded down with shipping containers chock full of merchandise - one bound for Macy's and the other for WalMart - collided. Then other ships, bound for other department stores, came to see what was up, and they too crashed, pouring their vast bounties out upon our driveway. Despite the wreckage, there are some quality goods to be had here and... did I mention? We will not be undersold.

The deals will start wheeling at 9 a.m. and cease, inexplicably around 4 p.m.

Also, and perhaps the best to know is that The Cupcake Kids will be on hand for those that have, literally, shopped until they dropped and need a quick pick-me-up to get moving again. Which most will want to do because Saturday October 2 is Yard Sale day in our neighborhood and 45 other homes will be holding their own paltry by comparison efforts.

Yep, that's my man in his true form. I love that guy. Hope you can come out and join us on Saturday. If you're local and want our address, please email me -- we're in Buckhead in the Lenox Mall area.


Gabi Dickinson said...

I don't know if you've thought about why to fly with but there is a GREAT missions travel agency that also works with families adopting too. The offer great price tickets and have a very generous luggage allowance too. They're called Golden Rule if you want to Google them. Just thought I'd share :)

Love said...

just clicked here from someone else's blog. i hope you have wonderful success at your sale. God did AMAZING things at ours....bringing families together to help us, allowing us to share our story with many of the customers and providing an unbelievable amount of money for our adoption.

blessings on this beautiful, beautiful journey.