Shelly and Dan
The Baby

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

38 Weeks Pregnant!?!

I am not really 38 weeks pregnant -- but it feels that way! Dan and I are literally expecting a call from our attorney at any moment telling us we have a court date and we should hop on a plane to Uganda. The whole thing is getting very, very real for us. We just finished putting together Hannah & Joseph's bunkbeds tonight. Crazy stuff!

Now, not everything is quite wrapped up... we're still awaiting our USCIS approval and praying it will arrive sometime this week. We need a couple of twin mattresses (just in case anyone has some sitting around), and we'll eventually need a really, really big car - if you have one of those laying about, we might be willing to trade a slightly used scooter for it.

Because SixtyFeet was on the ground in Uganda this week, we were given the most beautiful, amazing video of our two new babies. We cannot believe how healthy and happy they look since moving to Mama Catherine's. Just look at this...


James 1:27 Family said...

Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

"I love you" How much did you cry? Oh, my!!!!

Love you!

Alison said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is just adorable! They are just so precious!! I can't wait to hear the news that ya'll are on your way to bring them home!!!

sara said...

so. precious! I can only imagine how you are feeling, knowing you are sooo close to your sweet babes! Praying you get that call SO SOON. oh and for uscis approval:)

Jennie said...

Tears in my eyes, Shelly. Soooo excited for all of you.

Jane said...

well I am crying! How wonderful to see a video of Joseph and Hannah, that just melts my heart.

Praying that all the paper works gets done and you get the call soon!

Carlee said...

WOW!!! how exciting. What beautiful children u have. Children sure are a gift from God and what treasures they are. ( most of the time hehe) May God bless you all!!! AWESOME Shelly just AWESOME!!!!!!

Erin said...

They are so sweet! We can't wait to meet our new family members.

Ashley said...

Precious! I'm praying for you to go into labor tonight!

Nancy said...

This is such exciting news! How precious are they!?!