Shelly and Dan
The Baby

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We have a court date and we're headed to Uganda!

I suppose I could have tried to come up with a catchier title for this very exciting and very unbelivable post -- but my head is spinning. Just as I was beginning to give up hope of this adoption ever happening before Christmas... early, early this morning we received word from our Ugandan attorney that we have been assigned a court date!! And it's soon! We are scheduled for Thursday, December 2 -- just one week from tomorrow. WOW!

We scrambled around like crazy this morning -- getting flights booked, having our last few papers notarized, picking up prescriptions from the travel clinic, trying to work out childcare details and packing, packing, packing. We've only had this news in hand for about 12 hours so we still have so much to do... and of course there's the little detail of Thanksgiving being tomorrow and we're leaving to go out of town. So it's slightly nuts around here today.

But mostly, we are just thrilled, excited and grateful to the Lord for His amazing answer to our prayers and the many, many prayers that have gone up on our behalf. Thank you all so much!

Here are the details so far... I am flying out on Sunday evening with my dear and awesome friend Joy who just couldn't bear to let me make this trip alone. Unbelievably we were able to purchase these last minute tickets with skymiles (another answered prayer!) but we do have an almost 24 hour lay over in Europe. I suppose it could be worse than being stuck in a beautiful city in Europe with one of my best friends for a day. We arrive in Uganda on Tuesday night and will hopefully get settled and recovered from jet lag by Thursday. On Friday my OTHER dear and awesome friend, Laura, arrives. Seriously, am I blessed or what? These ladies are leaving their families for a week and and going to great expense and trouble just to stand by a friend. Now that's some crazy.

Below are some of our "before pictures." These beautiful pics were taken 2 weeks ago by the awesomely talented Griffin Gibson who recently returned from a two year mission trip to Bosnia. She's coming back in (hopefully) just a few weeks to take our "after" shots -- including our two new additions. I CANNOT WAIT.

I have to leave y'all with a funny story...   Almost exactly one year ago, I hosted a fundraiser for my very precious friend, Amy Levy. Amy and her husband were adopting a baby girl from this little African country called Uganda. I thought what Amy was doing was great and all but I admit... I didn't really get it. In fact, Dan and I offered to host the fundraiser because we thought it would it be a nice way to support orphan causes. And, as we told Amy, "we're not really called to adopt." Whew boy, be careful what you say. And be cautious before you assume that God is not calling you to something just because it doesn't fit into your plans. And most importantly... if you get down on your knees in your den one night and pray with your husband to know God's will for your life and what changes you need to make -- be ready to hear from Him and respond.

So I'll see y'all in Uganda! Besides court appointments and other adoption fun, Joy, Laura and I will be doing a little SixtyFeet business while we're in the country -- plus we have a few special, secret (for now) projects we'll be working on. Intrigued? Check in with us -- one of our gang will be bloggin' from Africa over the next few weeks.

"The plans of the heart belong to man but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord."
-- Proverbs 16:1


Jennie said...

soooooo excited!!!!

sara said...

praise. the. LORD!!! Rejoicing with you and your dear family. Oh my goodness. I can't stop smiling!! What an amazing gift. God is sooo good. Love it!!

Nancy said...

This is amazingly exciting news! Have a blessed journey-how great your friends are joining you. Can't wait to "hear" about it from the other side.

And...Happy Thanksgiving!

Jane J. Gilbert said...

Yahoooooooo! Valerie told me yesterday and we so thrilled! You'll be there with the DeBardelebens whose court date is Dec. 3rd! Yippee!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow!! Congratulations! We are so happy for all of you!!

Chasity said...

I am so super excited for you guys! Praying!

Kelly said...

I found your blog from Lovin' Much--and so glad that I did. How exciting to be leaving so soon to bring home your two little ones. (loved the video of them!) I pray that you have safe travels and a blessed meeting time with your babies! I will look forward to checking back in to see your larger family picture! :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Awesome news! I'm so happy you now have a court date! I'll certainly be praying for you and the wonderful friends who are traveling with you!

Jane said...

I heard that you were leaving from Erin on Friday -I am so thrilled for you and have been praying all day for safe travel and that every thing moves quickly . Can't wait to see some pictures and hear about your sweet new children!

Love said...

AHHHH! i'm so excited for you! i clicked here from your post on the facebook group & am putting together that i've been talking to your husband about hosting a viewing of Bereaved. also, i'm traveling to uganda in february & hoping to work out a time to serve at M.
ANYWAY, all that to say...i'm so happy for you. our son came home just over a year ago [right before amy got home] & it has just been the most beautiful journey. of course, hard & so full of loss....but, we've never been so challenged to run full force after God. blessings to you. i will be praying and following along!!