Shelly and Dan
The Baby

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kampala Goodbye

This evening as I was putting the two little ones down for bed, we went through our regular routine and then I tried to explain to them about how this time tomorrow we would be headed to the airport, getting on a plane and headed to America. They looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language, which of course I was. We said our prayers and I started to put them in their bunks under their mosquito nets and Hannah says "Kampala. Goodbye".
That pretty much sums it up for us this week. We pick up the visas at the US Embassy tomorrow at Noon, pack, and head to the airport. There's a little bit more to it of course since we don't depart until 2:00 am, but we have to get to the airport several hours early. It will be interesting tomorrow night as we head to the airport late in the evening and wait at the gate until the wee hours. Please pray for a smooth transition from Guest House Living to World Travelers for the newest Owens babies.

We are excited for the next phase of our transition and the journey ahead. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and thoughts, words or encouragement and emails. We have lived off or it for weeks now. We will continue to do so once we return and as everyone gets settled, acclimated and used to one another.

If you are up for it and nearby, we arrive in Atlanta at 6:20 p.m. on Thursday. We would love to see you there, but if now we'll see you soon.


Julie said...

Continuing to pray!

The Fruitful Family said...

The Harty Party will be there to welcome the new Crazies to America! Praising God with you and continuing to pray for smooth travels and transitions. Love y'all!

Unknown said...

So excited for you all! Praying for all you Crazies! Don't live anywhere near ATL but will be thinking of you then.

Anonymous said...

Rejoicing from the Harvey Family! We have been praying for you and following your journey for several months and we are so blessed to be able to watch God at work. It was a special time for our family to share with our boys that two of the precious ones we have prayed for in Uganda will be living right here in Atlanta. What a faith builder for us all! And, we will continue to pray.

Unknown said...

Beautiful...really beautiful.