Shelly and Dan
The Baby

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unexpected Craziness

At what point does one cross the line between craziness for God and just plain irresponsible? Dan and I ask ourselves that question sometimes. We wonder at what point we'll toss up our hands and say "ok, enough. There's crazy and then there's stupid."

If you've been hanging around the Crazy Blog for a while, you know that Dan sold his Audi about this time last year. He sold it and gave away the money and we've been a one car family ever since. Remember this picture? That's Dan's first day on the scooter.

And being a one car family in a city with rotten public transportation is often inconvenient. It is often irritating. But so far, we've been able to make it work.

But then we adopted two more kids and all...

And life got busier.

And we really, really felt like we needed a second car. I mean ENOUGH. This one car situation has been cute and made for some really fun blog posts but seriously. We need two cars. We have five children, we are constantly running in a million different directions and we cannot continue to burden our friends about driving us around town. There's crazy and then there's stupid. This situation was becoming stupid.

Yet, when we prayed about it, we felt God telling us to wait. When we looked at our budget, we knew we'd have to cut back on our giving or some of our commitments if we purchased a second car. We knew He was saying "trust me." And so we did. We continued the stupidness craziness of being a one car family. And we waited. And we trusted that He had a better way.

Today I was leaving a shower for a dear friend. I walked out of the front door of the house and noticed a message on my phone from "Jane." I called Jane back and she said "Shelly, my husband "Jack" recently got word that he is being transferred to Manhattan. We will not need our cars in Manhattan. I thought of you. Do you want a car?"

And I cried. And I praised Jesus. Because always, always He has a better way. After all the miracles I've seen over the last year, how could I have doubted?

Jesus calls us to live intentionally and to give generously for the Kingdom. And He also tells us to trust Him. We give generously and He'll provide all that we need. And that's it. Do you trust Him in this way? You should, because He's good for it. Every time.

Thank you Jesus for reminding me of this today.

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?"
-- Matt 6:25-26, NLT


Unknown said...

I love your craziness and our Crazy King! Jesus Rocks!!!

Audrey B said...

God is good!!! Thank you for sharing that.

Jane said...

God is GOOD

Alison said...

Amazing!! Love seeing how God provides!!!

We Are Family said...

WOW! That is awesome! praise the Lord

Rebekah said...

Girl, your life is seriously CRAZY!!! And I LOVE hearing about every moment of God's goodness and provision for you! Praising God with you tonight for His never failing promises!

Shannon Evans said...

Praise God, how cool!!!

Jessica @ FiveInSix said...

SO awesome!

Susan said...


Unknown said...

WOO HOOO!!! God always provides! So glad you were in tune with His Spirit to wait for HIm! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your new wheels!!

Unknown said...

I really needed to be challenged wit this today Shelly, thank you for sharing! And praise God for the blessing of this car!

Anonymous said...

His grace and provisions are ALWAYS enough. So thankful for you Christian sister and your openness to share. x anna

Unknown said...

This is so cool! I love it :-) and thanks for sharing!!! (but why is Atlanta so terrible with the public transportation? we've been trying to figure out if we can live with one car and we totally could if there was better transportation in this city!)

Love said...

ohhhhhh! i love it!!!

bless you both for your faith & obedience! how great is He?!?!

Love said...

AND your friend. my goodness. bless THEM for their faith and obedience, too. awesome.

Mandi said...


Joshua Goodling said...

God is so good - All the time!! We just have to trust Him and obey! That's great news!

Christy said...

That is so cool! Goes back to the title of this blog, that it's GOOD to be crazy! You are getting to see God's hand in everything and I love how you are sharing it with us! :)


Way cool! On a smaller scale, but along those same lines......... our dental insurance recently changed (God's doing, not ours) and the bill for Ellie's filling and sealants today was only $89 instead of the $250 we expected to have to pay. He is in all of the details! Praise Him indeed!
Janet Eason

jenna said...

I just got chills reading this post! What an amazing and faithful Savior we serve! I love how the Lord always provides for our needs, not in our timing though...but in His very perfect timing! Thanks for sharing, friend!

the_blissful_mommy said...

I love your kind of crazy ;)