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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rich People Problems

Do you have rich people problems? Boy, I do. I have tons of them actually…

Several weeks ago, I was actually reduced to tears by one of my RPP’s. The builders who are completing the small addition on our home kept overloading the circuits and blowing a fuse while my cleaning lady was trying to vacuum the house. Every time the circuit blew, not only did I have to run to the fuse box and flip the breaker so the vacuuming could continue, but the alarm from our security system kept going off. And all the while I was trying to get out some very important, time-sensitive emails and the baby was trying to nap! Can you possibly imagine anything worse?? It was AWFUL, just awful.

We can get a good laugh out of this now but honestly, this isn’t funny. This is pathetic. It’s even more pathetic considering that my husband helps run a ministry to imprisoned children in one of the poorest countries in the world. Our "problems" are all about perspective. And frankly, I could use more of that. We all could.

Lately, I’ve been reading this book:

This one came highly recommended to me by my sister-in-law. It’s about Brother Yun, one of China’s most dedicated, courageous and intensely persecuted house church leaders. Reading this will give you some perspective.

The Chinese Christian church, in 2011, is completely on fire for God. They’re praying big prayers. They’re taking big risks. They’re witnessing great and awesome miracles on a daily basis. The church is exploding with growth.

The American church in 2011… not so much. I know I’m speaking generally here and I don’t speak for everyone but overall, we don’t experience God in this way. Big prayers, big risks and big miracles don’t really describe the American church. And if you ask me, I think it’s because our abundance and our "stuff" often stands between us and God. We trust in our wealth, we’re consumed by our things and we focus our attention on problems that aren't really problems at all.

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matt 19:24

Recently, I’ve also been seriously humbled by a teenager and his creative little rap. Take a look and tell me if this doesn't hit a little too close to home. Personally, I would have found this to be completely hilarious – if I hadn’t thought the entire thing was based on a typical day in my own home. Yuck.

When I see something like this, it doesn't seem appropriate just to laugh and move on -- because this is reality for most Americans. And I'm really not ok with that. What about you?


Heather said...

I read The Heavenly Man 1 1/2 years ago. It had me on my face before the Lord praying to lay down my life for him. 6 months later, the Lord placed a huge passion to adopt from Ethiopia on my heart. That book literally changed my life. I read his other book Living Water as a daily devotional. Very inspiring, challenging, and convicting!

The Fruitful Family said...

As I lay in my bed watching tv and typing this on my iPad in my air conditioned house, yes this hit way too close to home. Lord, have mercy on me. Ugh!

Kaylyn said...

took the words out of my mouth! God has been moving in our family's hearts in the same way for the last few years. We, in America, think we are so rich and above those all over the world in wealth, in reality we are so very poor. In places like Uganda they may not have things but God is mightily moving in hearts because of felt need. We do not feel need so it is so much harder to pray, to want HIM and we are spiritually poor! I love to read that others are seeing this too and I truly think God is moving in this generation to wake up and see it! :)

Unknown said...

oooooh my!!! that's all i can think to say right now. that and Lord have mercy.

take me to the poor. move me out.

let's go. now.

Anonymous said...

Oh so right.
Carrie Andersson

Unknown said...

Hits home here as well. I'll put that book on my list to be read! Our "problems" are sickening and we typically don't even notice. :(

Taryn said...

wow...definitely hits, so sad...shared this video on my facebook...i am sure it will hit home with all my friends too!

Anonymous said...

i love this post....great what you are talking about. however, in one of your posts where you talk about cutting back things in your budget in order to give more, be able to afford adoption, etc....and you have a cleaning lady? wow. even when i worked full time and had two kids under the age of 2 i didn't have a cleaning lady.

ShellyO said...

Anonymous -- I hear you. Definitely, I know what you're saying and I so appreciate your comments. For me, it's all a balancing act and, like everyone else, I struggle. I'm a homeschooling mom with 5 young children and, at the moment, it takes a tremendous burden off of me to have someone come in and help me clean every other week. I plan to use this help for a season, but no permanently. I wrote about my struggle in this post: Like everyone else, I'm a work in progress.