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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't Miss It!!

I have a sweet friend, named Andrea. We’re fellow adoptive, homeschool, bloggy, orphan ministry mommas. Our children are all about the same ages. We both live in the Atlanta area. Clearly, Andrea and I have a lot in common. Over the last year we’ve become fast friends. Even our husbands are buds and meet for lunch occasionally in the midst of their work days.

I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone quite like Andrea before. She’s crazy crafty, she’s a great cook, she’s a photographer, she decorates… the list goes on. But even with all this talent up her sleeve, Andrea’s heart beats for two things in particular: orphans and adoption.

For several years, Andrea and her husband have felt a call on their lives to minister to adoptive families. She and Richard organized our Atlanta-area African Family Fellowship group and they host nearly 100 people at their home every time this group gathers. Andrea also organized our monthly adoption support group, called Adoption & Chocolate.

But around this time last year, God laid a major project on Andrea’s heart. A crazy project. He asked her to organize a retreat for adoptive moms. Not just Atlanta area moms – but for moms all over the country.

Andrea responded to this call in obedience. She recruited a few friends to help, reserved a small book of hotel rooms at a conference center in Buford, Georgia and talked with several potential leaders for the event. She named the retreat “Created for Care.” And Andrea imagined that about 25 women would attend.

She didn’t promote the retreat, except through her personal blog. She had no idea if anyone would sign up at all. But in faith, Andrea opened registration in September of last year.

Over 250 women signed up in less than 48 hours. And it became quite the retreat.

I was there with the rest of the SixtyFeet ladies:

And it was literally one of the highlights of my year. I cannot WAIT for the 2012 retreat! Which is actually why I’m writing tonight. Created for Care 2012 registration opens on September 1. Will you join me there next year?

SixtyFeet is privileged to be one of the featured orphan ministries of this event. Our team will be there along with 147 MillionOrphans, Wiphan and others.

I’m also moderating a bloggy panel with Missy from It’s Almost Naptime, Lara from The Farmer’s Wife Tells All, Kristi from We Love OurLucy and Lovelyn from Moments with Love. How fun is that?

This retreat isn’t just for adoptive moms. It’s for anyone with a heart for adoption, for anyone considering adoption or anyone who loves orphan ministry.

It’s a MUST attend. And I would LOVE to see you there!

For more information (or to get your hiney registered!!) visit the Created For Care site. Tell ‘em Crazy Shelly sent you ;-).

By the way, do not dawdle here. This year there are 500 spots for the retreat (Jan 29-27, 2012) – but they’re going to go QUICKLY. If you plan to attend, sign up on September 1. That's just over 24 hours away.

See you there!


Lauren said...

I'm going!! Last year I was signed up, but got the call just a week before that I was headed back to Ethiopia to get my son... so I missed it. Can't wait for this one! :)

demp5 said...

So I saw this after I sent you an email. Thanks for posting!

La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life said...

Wouldn't mss it!

Unknown said...

When and where is the retreat? did i miss these deets???

Ashley said...

I was there last year and I'll be there again! :0)

Kaylyn said...

I want to go so bad!!! Know anyone I can share a room with?? I don't know that I can afford the hotel stay alone! Hope it works out.... :)

Kelly said...

I have seen so many posts floating around on this. I cannot imagine spending a weekend with that many like-minded women! It would have to prove to be a fantastic time!

Anonymous said...

Sold out too fast! I missed it. I intended to sign up as soon as I got my daughter out the door to school, but that was too late. I signed up for the wait list and I hope to see you there!

Tara @ The Adventures of MommyHaha said...

I signed up! I cannot wait!

Unknown said...

So excited to attend this year!

Wynne Elder said...

I just got in! so glad to find your blog! I have communicated with your man on facebook b/c of sixty feet! I was just in Uganda this summer with VO! watched your adoption video recently - LOVE! looking forward to meeting you in ATL!