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Sunday, February 26, 2012

When God Needs Us

Last week, a friend asked if I could write a blog post to help raise money for another friend in need. And because I love both ladies dearly and I'd pretty much do anything for either of them, I happily agreed.

My "friend in need" was Sara. She and her entire family have been in Uganda for the last 11 months, fighting to bring their daughter home. They received all of the needed approvals to head home... but their plane tickets had expired. They needed to raise $6,500. Fast.

This is a family I love and a cause I definitely wanted to support. But as usual, I overbooked myself last week. Too much to do. Too little time. No time to blog.

I spent a couple of days thinking through blog post ideas in my head, but I didn't have any time to write. I definitely didn't have a couple of free hours to pound out the kind of thoughtful, heartfelt post that would inspire people to give.

I fretted and stressed about it all week... because you know, it was all up to me to raise the money. God needed me to do this for Him, right?

To make a long story short, I never did find a couple of free hours to write out a beautiful, inspiring post. But on Friday morning, I found a few minutes. I sat down on my porch with my laptop -- but instead of using my precious few minutes to write a beautiful post, I decided just to offer up some prayers.

Afterwards, I hurriedly typed out a couple of paragraphs, recruited Colleen to make a fancy button to slap on the page and posted it on Sara's blog. It wasn't very well written and it was full of typos. It was certainly nothing special.

I honestly have no idea how much has been raised to date... but I know that six hours after I put up the post, the entire $6,500 was raised.

Seriously. Who am I kidding? God doesn't need me. But because He is gracious and loving and good, He sometimes lets me help.

It's almost laughable how easily I can fool myself into thinking that God needs me -- instead of the other way around.

On those days I'm tempted to feel like Ron Burgundy (see the clip below if you're not familiar :-), I'm thankful that He gently and lovingly puts me back in my place. 

Thank you, Lord, for any bit part you're willing to let me play in your work.


Sophie said...

just made a donation, praying that they can make it home soon.