Shelly and Dan
The Baby

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Gotcha Day!

I wish Dan could write this update himself but he's had really flaky internet access today. And now it's the wee hours of the morning in Uganda and I pray that Dan, Scott, Hannah and Joseph are all sleeping peacefully in their beds at the Bridge House Africa.

Today was quite a day. It was the real "gotcha day" for our new babes... Dan's first full day with Hannah and Joseph. You will not believe the sweet pictures he took and the fun they had! Today was also the day that Dan and the children showed up at the American Embassy to beg for an appointment.

I can't share all the details of the day... but wow. It's been pretty amazing and God has shown up, big time. Earlier today Scott sent a private email to our small group with this subtext... "After hearing and seeing [all that I have today], all I honestly want to do is worship." And that about sums it up.

Details and pictures to follow at some point -- but for now please know that Dan was admitted to the Embassy, they did agree to open his file and begin the paperwork AND... they have already made some significant progress... A Christmas Eve homecoming is still a very real possibility. And it's all nothing short of a miracle. Rejoice with us!

"Shout with joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of His name;
Make His praise glorious!
-- Psalm 66 (Thanks Joy for encouraging me with just the right psalm for today!)


the monkeys' mama said...

What great news, Shelly! yay!!!! To God be the Glory, great things He has done!

Alison said...

YAY!!! Rejoicing with ya'll!! Happy Gotcha Day!!

The Fruitful Family said...

Love the new additions to the Crazy Family pictures!!

Joshua Goodling said...

AWESOME!! God is SO Good!!
Welcome to the Owens Family - New Crazies :-)

Jennie said...

Rejoicing with you!

Unknown said...

Wonderful! And love the new pictures on here!