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Thursday, March 1, 2012

When Saving Becomes Hoarding

"Now listen you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you... You have hoarded wealth in the last days." (James 5:1,3b. emphasis mine)

Where do we cross the line between healthy, biblical saving practices and "hoarding," as James speaks about in the verse above? I strongly suspect that most of us, in the name of "wise spending," crossed that line long ago.

Several years ago, I was shocked to read the words below from Francis Chan. His sound biblical teachings caused Dan and I to re-evaluate our priorities and to make some serious changes to our saving and spending habits.

"Someone asked me recently why I don't save money for emergencies or retirement. My answer was how can I justify saving for myself 'just in case' something happens to me when something IS happening to so many already?  Today, 29,000 kids will die of preventable causes."

Watch this five-minute clip and hear it for yourself. Be forewarned, folks. This is convicting...


Tracy said...

So good! Thank you for sharing that! We are with the last couple of years we have been so challenged about money and how we do hoard it!

sheli massie said...

he is by far one of my favorite teachers...crazy love turned our worlds upside down...thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Awesome!!! I'm fully on board!!! Goosebumps!!

La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life said...

Oh, Chan. You get me every.single.time.

Just working through that same scripture in Beth Moore's Janes study. God certainly has been challenging me.

Thanks for this.

Unknown said...

We ponder this point often. How much is enough? Where is the line between hoarding and responsibility? It's so easy to *think* we need way more than we actually do.