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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Keeping Momma Happy: Linky Love

A while back, I read this on a sign in an antique store:

If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

If Daddy ain't happy...

Who cares?

And while it was funny enough to make me laugh out loud, I also had to admit that there's some truth to this silly statement. We women really do have the ability to make (or break) the moods in our homes.

This week has been Rough, with a capital R. Dan is just back from Africa. I'm preparing to speak (three times -- what was I thinking??) at the Created for Care retreat this weekend. The SixtyFeet film premiere is only two weeks away. And have I ever mentioned that I have five young children who I homeschool? And I help run an orphan ministry in Uganda? I believe I have.

Anyways, Momma is not happy at the moment and my home is a bit out of sorts. I'm ignoring my kids, snapping at my friends and bossing my husband around like its my job. So while I work on getting my act together, y'all will not be hearing from me on the blog for another week or so. God first. Family second. Blogging... way on down the list.

For the interim, enjoy these fabulous links. Read now, thank me later.

25 Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier

Why I Don't Homeschool

Don't Carpe Diem


Kari said...

Hi Shelly! I just found your blog today by linking from Yes, My Couch is Ugly. We're a homeschooling family also living in the metro Atlanta area. I was happy to find your blog and to order tickets to the Beloved premiere! We, too, have had our eyes opened to the realities of life in Uganda and can't NOT do something about it. We're exploring the possibility of adopting from Uganda and trying to help link a pastor friend's orphanage to American support. I would love to talk with you sometime. Please contact me via my site, (I would've just emailed you this but I couldn't find a contact form on your blog.) Thank you and God bless!

Naomi said...

Oh Shelly, I can relate! I came back from Uganda completely at a loss, guess that is the after effects of all that we witnessed for the first time. The blessing for me is that my Mum just arrived yesterday.... phew! But I know how you feel and I am not preparing to speak at C4C!! I wish I could be there. I will be praying for you. After all that God is doing there in Ug, it is no wonder that things have gone pear shaped in your home! But the victory is yours and I believe that God is going to really speak through you to all the women there.

I will pray for you this weekend. :)

Love said...

now i love you even MORE for e-mailing me that yesterday.
and you must be a realist. i'm still ignoring things and pretending to live in bliss [with nothing ready to go.] my poor [realist] husband.

Stephanie said...

praying for you today.